About Lure Coursing

Lure Coursing

is a performance event: developed in the early 70's by Lyle Gillette and other California sighthound fanciers who hunted jackrabbits in the open field, which risked the harm caused by barbed wire fencing. They invented lure coursing as a safer, more controlled sport for sighthounds that would recreate the physical requirements of open field coursing, allowing them to continue testing the functional abilities of their sighthounds. The hounds chase plastic bags on a course laid out to simulate escaping game. The hounds will run the course twice, a preliminary run and a final run. Scores from both runs are added for a combined total score. Hounds are awarded placements and points based on where they finished and the number of hounds they competed against. The hounds are running not only for fun and to keep their natural abilities alive, but also for titles.


Hounds must be certified to enter an ASFA field trial. Certification is earned by practicing with a hound of similar running style, which is evaluated by a judge. A copy of a certification form, signed by the judge, is turned in with the hound's first entry. After a hundred points for placements, as well as taking at least two firsts, or two seconds and a first, a sighthound earns its Field Championship (FCH) title. With further placements and another three hundred points, the hound earns a Lure Courser of Merit (LCM) title. Subsequent LCMs are earned in the same way, and currently the highest achieving sighthound is a Whippet, an LCM 20.


The equipment needed to course your hound is very simple. You will need three blankets, one in each color. Many clubs have blankets to loan in a variety of sizes or you can have your own made to fit your hound. You will also need a slip lead to release your hound at the line. Be sure you bring water for your hounds since there may be none available at the site of the trial.